A free online survey from Panorama Education https://backtoschool.panoramaed.com
is a great way to make connections and work on the fundamentals of Student-Teacher Voice including but not limited to: Self-Worth, Engagement, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging.
Amazon has been working on a platform for K-12 educators to share and discover Open Educational Resources (OERs) in support or the #GoOpen Initiative started by US Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology. The platform, calledAmazon Inspire(click here), has been in a closed beta state since June 2016, but is now open for anyone to join. Educators may use an existing Amazon.com account or create a new account with their school/work email address.
From PK Nursery Rhymes to Advanced Placement American Revolution Flashcards and from Biology textbooks (click here) to Ratio and Proportional Relationships.
Discover, download, rate, share, and experience everything that Amazon Inspire Beta has to offer.
Thank you to the Oregon Department of Education for information: https://www.oregonednet.org/blogs/oen/introducing-amazon-inspire